Monday, August 29, 2011

Victory Tower

We went to the Siegessäule (Victory Tower) a couple of weekends ago on our way to go grocery shopping. It's pretty cool. The tower was built in honor of the Prussian victory in the second Schleswig War (against the Danish). Interestingly, it used to be located in the Platz der Republik (Königsplatz then because it was a monarchy and not a republic), but it was moved by the Third Reich to its current location because it messed with their ultimate design of Berlin as the world capital. They also increased the size of the column by a couple of meters.

Since the tower is at the intersection of three streets, there are underground pathways that take you to the tower. Image coming up the stairs:

Sign about grafitti, which is basically omnipresent here:

Within the base of the tower is a museum about German monuments and within the column are many many windy stairs to take you to the top of the tower.

Afterwards we went to a market with tons of incredibly fresh meat and fish (even some that were swimming around in tanks waiting for you to buy them.

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